“Right now is a very interesting time for shipping, and I am very happy to be offered the opportunity to extend my contract. I can continue to lead an organization that has the practical expertise and the scope to make a real difference on crucial industry issues, for example, the current environmental discussions and the establishing of a greenhouse gas strategy and objectives for the shipping industry,” says Frew, reported by MANA correspondent.
BIMCO said that it aims to make sure the industry retains a level playing field and that practical hurdles are removed for shipowners, so they can comply with new environmental legislation.
“The most important thing on BIMCO’s agenda is the environment. We have the implementation of the 2020 Sulphur cap to contend with, and we want a clear strategy and reduction objectives on carbon emissions. Being proactive in these environmental discussions is the only way to make sure that we, as an industry, are regulated in a way that makes practical sense,” Frew says.
According to Frew, the industry’s emissions peaked in 2008, and zero carbon emissions is the only viable long-term goal for shipowners.
BIMCO is well known for drafting standard contracts for the maritime industry. Today, the organization also works on policy issues for its members, has a hotline for contractual advice, publishes technical guides and market analysis, in addition to providing training in a variety of maritime topics.
Angus Frew was appointed Secretary General & CEO of BIMCO in September 2013.