In an interview with MANA reporter, Ali Akbar Ghonji remarked: in average, his company has had 53 vessels with a capacity of 2.5 Million DWT in the first half of the current year, based on the aforementioned number of vessels and capacity, a growth of 34- percent in ton-miles was observed, which means a 50- percent improvement in the performance.
He added: before the implementation of JCOPA, foreign vessels were not allowed to travel to the Iranian ports, naturally, the demand for transporting cargoes from domestic corporations was higher, and IRISL Bulk Division supplied a large portion of local companies’ needs.
Referring to that the execution of JCPOA was a marvelous milestone and a happy event , particularly in maritime transportation, Ali Akbar Ghonji added: the execution of JCPOA has paved the ground for the access of international companies to the domestic market, and on the other hand, Iranian shipping companies also do their business in the international markets more easily.
In the light of this historical event, even the largest chartering companies who refused to collaborate with IRISL due to the unfair international sanctions, now, have expressed more interest in resuming collaborations with our company.
Pointing out to the necessity of costs management in the shipping companies, Ghonji stressed: given the current situation in maritime transportation and considering this important matter that there is no change in cargoes status, we should move forward to costs reduction for earning more incomes and expanding activities.