Four incidents were reported in August 2017 compared to three incidents reported in August 2016, MANA correspondent reported.
However, the total number of incidents during January-August 2017 was the lowest among the 10-year reporting period of January-August 2008-2017.
There was no report of incident involving the abduction of crew from ships in the Sulu-Celebes Sea since the last actual incident that occurred in March 2017.
Nevertheless, the ReCAAP ISC together with ReCAAP Focal Points, particularly the Focal Point for Philippines (Philippine Coast Guard), and the regional authorities will continue to monitor the situation closely, and update on advisories and proactive measures initiated by the Philippine authorities in addressing the situation.
The ReCAAP ISC reiterates the need for port authorities to maintain enhanced port security measures, particularly during hours of darkness; and ship masters to exercise vigilance and make timely reporting of all incidents to the relevant authorities.