What kind of services dose the Marine Information Technology Development Co. provide for the vessels of IRISL and other shipping companies?
Computers have become an integral part of day to day operation of shipping. Computers are used on vessels for enhancing performance for shipboard and commercial operations. Marine Information Technology Development Co., (MITD) provides shore-based services to support maritime industry in IT and ICT field. MITD CO. has established a comprehensive network of support facilities in Iranian southern and northern ports which would provide rapid reaction services throughout Iranian Ports on a 24/7 basis. MITD CO. engineers are professionally trained, with extensive knowledge and experience in their fields and their skills are continually updated to keep pace with new technologies. Currently MITD supports and maintains more than 150 ocean going vessels in IT, ICT, control, monitoring, NAVAIDS and GMDSS equipment
Could you please explain the manner in which MITD collaborates with international companies in the mentioned field?
In the spring of 2016 negotiations started between MITD and reputable overseas companies. Fortunately, the company was able to sign agreements with most of role players in this field. Among them, Danish company Danelec VDR (Voyage data recorder) and ECDIS producer, Norwegian company JOTRON marine safety and electronics equipment manufacture, French company Marlink marine internet service provider, Swiss company MESPAS software development company, Cyprus Company OneNet marine internet provider and Japanese company FURUNO marine electronics and communication manufacturer can be named. Moreover, we believe in the development of enterprise transportation software solution, in addition to its financial achievement, MITD can gain a reputable position in the international market.
How do you evaluate the implementation of JCPOA and lifting of the sanctions in the development of IT industry in the marine sector?
After JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action), sanctions were removed and, it became easier to access international markets in all the areas. Iran’s ICT industry also benefited from this opportunity. Increase of willingness of European and American companies for cooperation in the field of ICT and deals between Iranian companies and overseas companies in the mentioned field, are the most important achievements after JCPOA agreement in the information technology industry. Similarly, marine IT industry has benefited from these opportunities and subsequently the cost of information and communication technology implementation has been dramatically reduced by direct business transactions between overseas marine ICT companies and Iranian marine companies. Furthermore, it has also created opportunities to transfer knowledge from manufacturers to Iranian marine companies.
Considering the increasing speed of Internet in Iran and the rise of social networks, what platforms are planned for the development of activities in the field of IT and information industry to create added value?
Implementing social networks can add value in the organization’s functions. It can improve organizational performance by utilization of collaborative tools for intra-organization and inter-organization communications. Moreover, it generates huge amount of data about customers in real time which leads to smarter business decisions by giving us more insight about the customers. Employing social network can enhance marketing interactions and sales activities by running targeted ads with real time results. It can also increase customer loyalty by opening direct communication channels between the company and customers.
According to the Statistical Center of Iran, last year’s income from IT and ICT sections recorded more than 17 billion dollars. In this regard, which sectors are the main fields of activities of Iranian companies that generate wealth?
The main activities of the world’s top IT companies are hardware production, software development, retail and cloud computing. While in Iran internet service providers enjoy the largest revenue among other IT companies. The main tendency of Iranian ICT/IT companies and the market is toward internet services which are normally provided by large companies such as Telecommunication Company of Iran. Down in the list, the second highest revenue belongs to E-payment providers which have been widely used by individual during the past few years. Software development (ERP, tailor made, applications…), network and hardware services, content production and information system support come in the lowest ranks.
IT and ICT are among the service industries and huge profits are recorded at the same time that inexpensive activities are possible. Accordingly, does the Company, Marine Information Technology Development Co., play a role in this regard?
Based on IRISL chairman Dr. Saeedi’s policies, MITD as a leading company in marine IT and ICT in IRAN has formulated a new strategy. Considering the software requirements in the area of shipping and related services, the company recruits expertise in software development to carry out new projects with maximum quality. Based on the above strategy, the company has started to develop different software in the marine industry. Among them, commercial software (named Ship Commerce) covering full range of requirement from vessel operators to agencies, container port management software, fuel management software (FMS) can be named. Upon release of these products, not only our sister companies in IRISL will utilize them to enhance their business processes, but also we will have the opportunity to export the products both to domestic and international markets.