Much has been said about the cause of the sinking of the Sewol and the government's handling of the emergency, but this documentary focuses on the impact the tragedy has on the people of South Korea, MANA correspondent reported.
The movie explores South Korean history and culture in order to understand why safety is a concern that is on the minds of many of the citizens. It also explores why members of the general public are giving up their free-time to promote awareness and educate people about public safety.
Using the sinking of the Sewol ferry as a catalyst, the aim of the film is to not only shed light on the suffering the victims have gone through but also to show how they have fought and struggled to be heard in trying to create change for the better.
The movie is directed by Matt Root. “I can remember so clearly about how much it affected me as an expat living in South Korea,” said Root. “Since the sinking of the Sewol ferry there has been numerous informative documentaries about the cause of the sinking. But few of them have touched on the effects this tragedy has had on the people who lost their loved ones.
The documentary is expected to be available for general viewing later this year.