Could you please provide us with a brief description of this training and educational software and its properties?
Considering the absence of up-to-date, integrated, comprehensive, systematic and organized information in the field of ship new building project management and technical ship management, I came up with the idea of designing and creating this software. I intended to use all the knowledge and experience I had accumulated through 14 years of active professional work in the fields of repairs and maintenance of ship machinery and equipment, shipbuilding supervision and technical ship management; and deliver an integrated, comprehensive and systematic knowledge-based software to Iranian maritime community.
For this purpose, I commenced research, library studies, visits to domestic and international fields, and consultation with international experts; and after three years of restless and continuous attempt, I managed to prepare the early draft of this software. Then, I applied the fruitful and constructive comments of experts on the draft, I finalized the software and it will be launched into the market in an English version for public use. The main target audience of this software are university students, university lecturers, experts, executives and decision makers in the fields of technical ship management, design and construction of ships and all their subcategories.
This knowledge-based software possesses unique features: The information offered in integrated and comprehensive, and it is offered via a systematic framework, which both enjoy an exquisite and catchy graphic design, and makes various parts of the software briskly accessible, at the ease of a click. In this software collection, users will be engaged in an interactive model, where they will be familiar with the role and duties of all the (directly- and indirectly-involved) beneficiaries in the stages of designing, building, launching, and managing ships in operation mode. Besides, they are able to extract all the scientific and practical sources related to each phase. Another prominent feature of this knowledge-based software is its capability of being extended to other fields of maritime industries – namely offshore, ports and terminals, fisheries and maritime tourism – upon the orders of maritime companies and firms.
What are the main impacts of utilizing this knowledge-based training and educational software on the development and growth of Iranian maritime industry?
Introducing and promoting a comprehensive, integrated and systematic perspective among active decision makers in the fields of ship building and technical ship management could be regarded as the first and the most paramount impact of this knowledge-based software.
This knowledge software also could strength maritime experts and maritime authorities’ attention to review and reform goals, policies and developmental strategies in the field of shipbuilding industry.
With regards to the educational system, this mentioned software, will have a significant influence on promoting quality and quantity of the offered materials and information. The training method (how to transfer information) is also another significant influence of this software on the educational software.
University graduates and lecturers who are going to be active in maritime industry, will also discover the remarkable effect of organizing experiences and lessons learned acquired from working in the shipyards and onboard ocean going merchant ships in line with the development and improvement of maritime industry.
On the other hand, university professors and authorities would be strongly determined to put reviewing and reforming the structures in the field of quality and quantity of materials, teaching techniques and scientific and experimental requirements of the lectures in a high priority.
Raising awareness and knowledge of domestic investment companies, insurance companies and suppliers of equipment about maritime industry could be counted as other impact of utilizing the knowledge software.
Whether this knowledge-based software enjoys the capability of upgrading?
Affirmative, attention to sustainable development goals of United Nations Organization in the horizon of 2030 and the conclusions drawn from evaluating maritime industry’s accidents (resulted to health and financial damages due to absence of the necessary predictions), as well as the impacts of those goals and accidents in setting goals and planning of specialized agencies, subsidiaries of United Nations Organization including International Maritime Organization (IMO) and International Labor Organization (ILO) have been considered in designing of this knowledge-based software.
In addition, devising, ratification, implementing, and observing over the appropriate use of new rules and regulations by the active beneficiaries in maritime business as well as creating requirement ,standards and mutual technologies in designing and building of ship and strategic management have been also incorporated in designing of this knowledge-based software.
In one of your published articles, you have referred to the application of this software in stimulating banks and financial institutions to invest in maritime industry, could you please explain in this regard?
In order to recognize and evaluate investments risks in maritime industry, there is extreme need for having a comprehensive and accurate recognition of roles, duties and capabilities of player or beneficiaries of maritime industry by the private and state investors as well as insurance companies.
Utilizing this software, domestic insurers, banks and domestic investment companies will be able to make a decision regarding accept or reject of the requests relevant to insuring or investing in maritime investment in a shortest time with the highest accuracy.
It should be left unmentioned that this knowledge-based software with such capabilities has not yet designed and created in the world.