Built by Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) in Ulsan, South Korea, the 123mtr long by 78mtrs wide rig is owned by the Houston-based drilling contractor Diamond Offshore,MANA correspondent reported.
Ocean Greatwhite is also the first new-build rig to receive the DNV GL Integrated Software Dependent Systems (ISDS) notation. ISDS are systems whose performance is dependent on the overall behaviour of their integrated software components.
Industry data suggests that high specification mobile offshore drilling units may experience 30% down-time during their first years of operations, which makes a systematic framework for ensuring that ISDS achieve the required reliability, availability, maintainability and safety essential.
“Ocean Greatwhite is capable of operating in depths of up to 3000 metres and can drill down to a depth of 10,670 metres.
“We expect that the operational performance of Ocean Greatwhite will demonstrate how the ISDS notation can contribute to increasing the reliability of the complex systems onboard,” adds Paal Johansen.
Youngseuk Han, senior executive vp at HHI hailed the new build, saying: “We will keep moving the boundaries of technology by completing following large-scale and innovative projects.”