So far this year, a grand total of 905 vessels, with a capacity of over 56,7 million (dwt, TEU, cbm), have been handed over to their owners, representing a total value of 39 percent, while 1,613 ships or 61 percent remain to be delivered, MANA correspondent reported.
LPG deliveries are on track for the year, with 50% of the 2016 orderbook having been delivered, worth USD 3 billion.
Second on the list are containership deliveries, with 49% of total value delivered, followed by tankers, with 42% of their 2016 orderbook delivered, and bulkers with 41%.
In addition, 36% of small dry bulkers, 28% of liquefied natural gas (LNG) ships, 25% of multigas vessels and 20% of Offshore Supply Vessels (OSV) have been delivered until now.
According to VesselsValue, many of the undelivered vessels in underperforming markets are candidates for slippage as the vessel’s delivery date may be pushed back into the next few years.